Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To Infinity and Beyond

Up we go!

Today was officially the first day of the Fall '09 semester and I must say that it was very unproductive. Why? Because my lecturer didn't turn up for class today, due to some reason. So, today's lesson can be counted as crap cause we just went in, sat for approximately 30 minutes, sign attendance, and then ciao!

And due to the fact that we have nothing to do to pass the time, we decided to go watch a movie. Yes, we watched UP!

The movie was good, just ignore the logic a little bit since, you know, you couldn't really fly your house even with thousands of helium gas balloons. Can you?

Anyway, the movie was quite touching in several parts. And quite 'kan chiong' also. Not forgetting also the funniness of the movie. Gawd! It's like you can't stop laughing. Don't underestimate the old guy with no facial expression (which is so cute that Cynthia wanted to slap him). Combine the old man and a small boy with a wild weird bird and a talking dog, the entertainment is endless.

If you're looking for a movie to help you relax and enjoy without straining your eyes (Transformers) or using your brain too much, this is the pick!


Btw, according to a reliable source (Dr. Steven), ADP results should be released tomorrow around noon. But if it didn't, don't blame me, I got it from the source. :)

2 chitters:

Unknown said...

Check my results for me too!

Chelsie said...

Not yet out ar. c2pid one!