Yes, it's the National/Independence Day and we celebrated it with watching a very violent movie.
We watched District 9.

I don't usually watch all these aliens/gory/fighting type of movie because, well, I don't really enjoy seeing people get torn into pieces or blasted or just simply get killed unnecessarily.
Don't know what came over me, but I watched the freaking movie.
It was Ok, better than Transformers 2, in my opinion. Because this one at least had a better storyline (my opinion, you don't have to agree with me). And also because in this one, I can actually differentiate which is the good guy and which is the bad. The decepticons and whatever the side that Bumblebee is on is called is really hard to tell apart (for me).
Anyway, back to District 9. It was decent in the sense of the storyline. The movie? Not so decent because of all the disgusting killing inside. And it is very British, with how all the actors said "What the fuck?" At least, I think it is British.
It's worth a watch if you're into those alien/killing/fighting/gory kind of movie.
And if you're planning to watch this movie, can you do me a favor?
Help me count the number of times "fuck" is used in this movie... Seriously, it's used like every other minute.
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