Monday, December 15, 2008

brand new phone!

hello guys,

another update from me!

okay, let me just give u the fast-forwarded version of the story k?

my mom is going to Korea for a erm.. 5 days trip.. then, she find out that in order to make or receive phone calls, she had to use a 3-G phone.. stupid advance Korea and Japan. she initially wanted to use my current phone, but as most of u all know, my phone now is as good as shit! get my meaning?? so, she bought a NEW phone!! -you must be thinking, are you kidding me???- as you all know, also, that i have been planning to buy a new phone also... so, actually, it meant that "I" get a new phone!!!! yay!!! but then, i am not the first one to use the phone since my mom is bringing the phone to Korea!

whatever, as long as i get a new phone... LOL

let me show you a pic alright?

this is sony erricsson k530i

my new phone that i wont get to use until next week.. i dunno how much is it, i forgot to ask my mom.. aish, one bad thing about this is that i have to keluarkan money again..walao.. my macbook already make me wanna muntah darah d... i hope my mom let me pay in installments.. =)

that's all.. just wanna share with you guys..

-signing out-


1 chitters:

Unknown Traveler said...

Wow... although u need to pay for the phone but be happy that u get a new phone... hope that u will treasure it and update your blog^^