Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mothers' day!

today is the mothers' day.

i would like to wish all mothers in the whole wide world a very happy mothers' day. you guys had suffered and sacrificed enough for your children and i guess today of most day is when they should show their affection and gratitude towards you.

i love you momma! even if i don't show it physically (i suck with all that stuff), i hope with all my heart that you are well and happy even with al the things that had happen. know that Chin Hern and i would be there for you!

(this is my momma!!!)

also, i would like to extend my gratitude to my momma's momma, my grandmommy!!! my granny is a very cute granny. she can be naggy at times, but i know she meant for our well beings, so i listen to her most of the time. Popo, i love you very much!!!

(momma, me and granny!!!)

another person who is also sort of a mother figure would be my auntie mei! she loves to talk nonsense at times, but i know she cares about us. she gives me advice all the time, about love, studies, life in general... she told me that i should really pay attention to what maters now, which is my studies. because she regretted she didn't finish her studies. she doesn't want me to regret just like her. also, i would like to thank her for sticking with us during our time in need, being a support for my mommy during the bad times. without her, we wouldn't be here right now. thanks a lot, auntie mei!!!

(auntie mei)

thanks again to all the women that matters in my life... my mother and my mother-figures...

LOVE you all

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