Sunday, March 29, 2009

Boo Boo :(

today was a very busy day. woke up at the crack of dawn (not really, around 7 actually) and headed up to Ivan's place for our movies shooting.

we spent the whole day shooting the short film of 5 minutes. we moved from Ivan's house, to the college, back to Ivan's house, to the park, back to Ivan's house again, head to Sunway Club, and finally back to Casa Subang.

almost 14 hours were spent filming this 5 minutes short film.

i have to say that even though it took us a super long time, the long hours are worth it. we learnt a lot, in my opinion, and also, we have our fair share of fun and laughter.

other than that, well, i have another thing in return, a "boo-boo".

i was heading out to the toilet, going out from Ivan's room, and i accidentally kicked his bedpost... T.T

i didnt notice at first, but then i started to feel like stinging feeling and i saw that it's actually bleeding a bit.

then, when we were heading out, i had to wear my shoes (obviously)... i feel very pain and uncomfortable... Leit, tired with my whining, gave me a SNOW WHITE band aid. =)

(see my Snow White band aid?)

haha... that's about it.. that's all i'm gonna share today!

signing out~

3 chitters:

Jess Lim said...

y call it a boo boo..... lol

Joan'-' said...

cos boo boo means cut cut..or snap snap..or bang bang...or knock knock..ahahaha

Chelsie said...

LOL.. haha.. jo joan very smart. unlike jess.. dumb dumb